About all facets and seasons of life. Our goal is to equip the local church with the foundations of Scripture and Christian Living. By doing so, we aim to raise the next generations of pastors, evangelists, teachers, and missionaries to make the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) tangible in our everyday lives.
See the different groups we host at Life Point and consider joining one!
Revival starts with Relationship with Christ and Each other.
Belong- Believe- Become- Bring
Outreach and volunteer
The Harvest is plenty, and we have been called to branch out of the four walls and reach the lost and heavily burdened. We intentionally want to make a difference by simply being present and sharing Jesus While we do it. Join our Come to the Table ministries, where we provide a hot meal on the first Saturday of each month and serve the community. Email office@aglpc.org on how you can help and make this much-needed ministry available, as well as many other opportunities

Doing Life Together
At LPC, we believe that fellowship is a core practice all believers should participate in, not only on Sundays. We have many life groups for the various seasons you may be in. Young Adults held every 1st and 3rd Sunday after service; Senior Adults, which meet every Tuesday, as well as our Wednesday Night Connect, are for our men and women to dive deep into the word and grow with one another.

Equip the next generation
From Toddlers to Teenagers, we have made it a significant focus to teach the next generation that Jesus loves them and is for them. We disciple, study, and have fun with our LPC Kids and Encounter Youth Programs! If you need any info on these programs, please email our NexGen Pastor Juan Cruz via pastorjuan@aglpc.org

Educate in all areas: Morning Star Academy
Morning Star has taken on a mission to educate the future of our community in the daycare, elementary, and middle school sectors. We also teach Christian values and prepare students for the real world through academic appliances.
For more information, please click here.